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Matric Group
Electronics Manufacturing Compliance & Standards Guide

Tied Down by Electronics Regulatory Compliance or Standards?

Your industry and your electronics product almost certainly fall under the scope of a variety of compliance regulations and quality standards.

Electronics makers must stay on top of what’s going into their products and whether those materials can be sold in their target markets. The global nature of electronics supply chains only further tangles you up -- what’s OK in one nation may be illegal in another.

We’ve sorted out the confusion and packed all the answers you need into the Electronics Manufacturing Compliance & Standards Guide.

What You Get in the Electronics Manufacturing Compliance & Standards Guide

This guide will teach you theory, benefits, and risks associated with regulations in your industry. More specifically, we’ll cover:

  • RoHS 3
  • UL
  • ISO
  • ITAR & other security standards
  • IPC
  • Intrinsic safety
  • Conflict minerals

To get this free download, simply fill out the brief form on this page. Keep your supply chain safe, secure, and successful!